Interiors & Options


Simply put, a case shell is built to house an interior that protects your equipment. The finest shell in the world will not provide adequate protection for your equipment if the interior is designed improperly.

While there may be instances where a simple foam lining is appropriate, more often than not this simple solution will not provide the protection that your equipment needs. The best approach is to determine exactly how much foam is needed to provide an ideal cushion response value. Factors to be considered include weight (static loading), handling environments, ideal shell size and the fragility of the equipment. These and other factors combine to determine foam type, thickness and placement.

A look at some Interiors & Options


ECM offers a wide range of interior components, including partitions, drawers, keyboard and control slide outs, rack-mount hardware, trays and ramps.


Surface-mount or recessed hardware, latches, dishes and panels, we specify high-quality hardware to suit your requirements and we can also provide custom design solutions where required.

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